



Über den Verein



Welcome to the website of the karate department of the ETV-Hamburg. We are one of the biggest karate clubs of the city with an offer for recreational and competitive athletes.

With the beginning of the schoolyear we are offering the full trainings-program:

NEW: Kata-Workshop for kids and teens (older than 10 years) at 6 p.m. in the sporting hall Sporthalle Altonaer Strasse with Finn-Luka!
The training for adults on thursday at 7 p.m. will be every 14 days. This year: 12. + 26. august, 9. + 23. september, 7. + 21. october, 4. + 18. november, am 9. december

(for all over 13 years it is necessary to have a fast negative covid test or a proof of  vaccination or recovery)

As an alternative you can have a look on our online-workshops for training at home:


Welcome | heat up, first practise | practise, balance | stability, basics | kata 1 | kata standing | kata with two-step | kata 2 for advanced | cool down | goodbye


Welcome | heat up with a game | jumping jackgames with a ball | obstacle course | karate with a chair, paper and a bottle | kata standing | kata with two-step | cool down | goodbye

Have joy!

Our workshop for members only was very succesful. We have more than 70 members with a new belt:



Competitions take place during the corona crisis online on sportdata: Klara Schmidt shows the Kata Gankaku
And if you need something to relax, here the composition „Joy“ of our ex trainer Dirk Stübinger: JOY

Anyone who is interested to learn more about this sport is very welcome! Just pop in for a trial session! – For children only, please send an email in advance to: karate(at)

At ETV we practice karate together and amicably. We train people of all ages and all backgrounds. Refugees are welcome!

We are a member of the German Karate Association DKV and offer training in Shotokan Karate

The origins of karate martial arts can be traced back to the fifth century AD, when Chinese monks developed a martial art for self-defence. Around 1900 karate was brought to Japan and developed as a martial arts form with its own rules. To this day, Eastern philosophy can still be found in “Karate-Do” (Japanese: “Way of the empty hand”). We empty our minds so that we can always act appropriately: The goal is not victory or defeat, but personal development through concentration and self-control. Respecting your training partner is the top priority!

Our instructors

… are qualified and regularly take part in further training courses.

Budo Sports Centre of the ETV

We usually practice in two modern dojos in the Hohe Weide on padded surfaces encompassing an area of 170 m2. Large mirrors facilitate the control of one’s own movements. Other available equipment includes punch pads, sound karate accessories, a music system and poles for stretching exercises.



There is neither an age limit nor the need to have an above average fitness level. Karate can be practised by preschool children as well as senior citizens!

Important aspects consist of learning defence, attack and close combat techniques, which find various application possibilities in self-defence. Our karate training is divided into Kihon (basics), Kumite (freestyle fighting, sparring) and Kata (form). Karate promotes and noticeably enhances concentration, attention and body control. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes karate as a health-promoting sport, which is confirmed by a study undertaken by the University of Regensburg.


Children / Adolescents

For children and young people we offer an age-specific training in line with their previous personal experience. The physical abilities of the respective age group are taken into account:

For 5-7-year-olds we offer a wide range of activities to gain movement experience. We implement exercise content in game stories and develop basic karate techniques together.

For the 8-15-year-olds, sequences become more complex and more diverse, as self-confidence and body control are increasing. Children from the age of 8 and adolescents may – if they wish – take part in competitions and championships. There are also ability groups in Kumite (sparring) and Kata (form). Every athlete can gain a sense of achievement through our belt tests.

We always ensure to treat each other with respect. We introduce the children and young people to partner exercises with great care. The risk of injury is low.


Karate as a competitive sport

In karate there are two competition disciplines: In Kumite (freestyle fighting), two karateka face each other and try to apply rateable kicking and punching techniques. The criteria almost rule out injuries to the combat partners.

The discipline Kata is a sequence of fixed attack and defence techniques against imaginary opponents approaching from different directions. There are about 50 different kata postures, in which fighting spirit, dynamics and rhythm are demonstrated.

It is each member’s own decision whether they want to participate in competitions. First and foremost Karate should be fun!


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